Seth is a SD farm kid. He met Marcela in Chicagoland where he had gone to seminary. They got married in 2010.

Over the last twenty-five years he sees God preparing them for this new opportunity. Seth’s initial calling to ministry happened in a bible camp setting that included the local church and the larger Kingdom of God movement. While at seminary, Seth was surrounded and mentored by cross-cultural missionaries, opening his perspective to a Global Church. Then initially surprised to be called into student ministry, spent the next twenty-two years of living out a conviction of disciplemaking with the next generation of following Jesus together.

Seth’s friendship of over sixteen years with Jon Fowler in Panama continues to multiply greater Kingdom work. More on that story in the blog section.


Marcela is a missionary kid who has lived in many places, but would call TX home. Growing up as a MK gave her great exposure to mission life that has always been a part of her identity. Living in different countries, learning new cultures, and meeting new people from all over the world was a normal thing in her childhood and helped deepen her love for missional work.

After high school she did a gap year discipleship training school experience, exploring if God was calling her to be a missionary. Being a third cultured  person, Marcela comes alive in cross-cultural settings. Together with Seth, they have lived out the opportunities to serve in those environments together. And also discovering how God has uniquely wired their kids to also come alive in cross-cultural settings.

For the past five years Marcela has served as a part-time missionary with GlobalFingerprints, a child sponsorship program with Reach Global (EFCA).


Benaiah first got to go to Panama in 2022 when his dad got to speak at WoL Teen week. Benaiah got to celebrate his ten year birthday on that trip and shares the same birthday as director Jon Fowler’s youngest son Eli. 

He’s excited about living in Panama to go on new adventures and see many new creatures. He also wants to eat yuca every single day!

Benaiah is a little concerned about learning a new language. But we are with him on the same journey.


Maja is excited to go to Panama to see her two friends who are also missionary kids there and are the same age as her. Together with her brother and family she has gone three times to Panama. 

She is excited to make more friends, help other people learn about God, and meet new people. She’s a little nervous about spiders, snakes, and iguanas, but is praying we get house cat to help with these things.