Would you pray with us right now?
I love this picture! It was from our very first trip to Panama in 2017, and Jon and I, along with another missionary, got to pray over the pastor and his wife of the Indian Village in the jungle. It is a moment I will never forget, and was part of the beginning of God capturing our hearts for the people of Panama.
Would you pray with us RIGHT NOW?!
I know the moment above happened in the past, and regardless of when you are reading this blog update, our God, who is outside of time, always responds to His children who turn their attention to Him with the eyes of faith and pray about His Kingdom purposes.
Would you pray with us for three things…
The three big things on our heart right now…
Jesus’ Kingdom in people’s lives in Panama - may His Kingdom come and may His will be done!
Season of preparations - for our family and for our church this next year.
Ministry Support Team - to rest and rejoice in ‘The God Ask’ in this fundraising journey for Panama. We are not asking people, we are asking God for His resources for His purposes.
In Jesus’ name,