What’s Our Timeline?

As we finish up our Word of Life missionary application, we will announce the news to our Rockpoint Church family on Sunday, June 9. We will also get to be a part of the special missions commissioning Sunday called Rockpoint Reaching on June 30.

Over the course of this next year (2024-2025) we will be raising up our sending team who will prayerfully and financially send us to Panama, both with our initial start up costs and then our monthly ongoing support.

We will continue serving in our current role throughout this next year and through summer 2025. We will help the next student team go to Panama and see that last class graduate and go on their Senior Trip. We also would be excited to help with the transition process in student ministry at Rockpoint.

Then August 2025 we will move to Costa Rica to attend the Spanish Language Institute for an entire year as a family.

And then August 2026 we would move our entire lives to Panama to serve with Word of Life!

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Rockpoint + Panama