When? And How Much?
“When do you need support?” and “How much support do you need?”
Those are the two biggest questions we are receiving from friends as we start this journey!
When do we need support?
Right NOW! :)
As people start joining our ongoing monthly support team, those gifts will build towards our start-up costs total since we don’t need to raise support to live off now as we continue in our role at the church.
Our start-up costs goal is roughly $75,000. This includes the travel expenses to Costa Rica, a year long language school for all four of us, moving internationally to Panama, and the tools we will need when we get there like a vehicle / computer / VISAs / etc.
We know that is a lot, but the quicker we have friends join our ongoing monthly support team we will be able to save up for the start-up costs right away. We are praying to have the start-up goal raised by April 1, 2025, which is about nine months away! Pray with us for this goal, as we know this can only come from the generosity of God moving through His people.
How much support do you need?
Our best estimate right now at our monthly support goal is $9,717.
75% goes towards health insurance, retirement, taxes, and salary for living expenses… and 25% goes toward field expenses for Word of Life Panama and my ministry role, and then also an administrative fee for Word of Life.
We need both ongoing monthly partners, as well as annual support givers. (see here).
We know this is only possible with friends who are following with us on this journey to Panama.
Would you pray about joining our support team… starting NOW?