Development Conference
We were part of nineteen new missionaries preparing to be sent out to eight different countries around the world!
Thank you for your prayers!
Last week we had the opportunity to attend Word of Life’s Development Conference for new missionaries at the Florida campus. This was an incredible time meeting other new missionaries, learning from older missionaries, and engaging with some of the home office staff.
We also were blessed to be a part of Word of Life’s 85th anniversary celebration! We will tell you more about that, in our next quarterly newsletter coming in February.
There was a LOT of information that was covered! We are grateful for the time and investment that Word of Life poured into us to help prepare to launch as new missionaries.
Here are just a couple of encouraging ‘nuggets’…
‘Being a missionary is not about geography, but about obedience (go and make disciples of Jesus!). Otherwise, you are just living somewhere else.’
‘Trust that God is worth it!’
‘God has no grandchildren, only children. Each person is called to make that personal decision to trust Jesus.’
‘Connection to the Lord is what drives us to joy; not doing a job.’
‘Results can be different than fruit. Results we can produce on our own effort; but fruit, only God can do!’
Again, thank you for your prayers!
We were encouraged to experience this Development Conference as a family, knowing God is preparing all four of us to go on this missionary journey to Panama together.
We welcome your ongoing prayers, as the countdown continues to our launch date in August.
For those wondering, we are now at 93% of our ongoing monthly support!!! All glory to Jesus! And thank you for being a part of our ministry support team!